the district of Lakhpat is situated
the temple of Koteshwar which is a
holy place of pilgrimage in Kutch.
There is an ancient story attached
with it. They say that King Ravana
wanted to be immortal and did tapasya
of God Shiva. Lord Shiva gifted him
with Ling which he could worship and
become immortal. But in arrogance
he dropped the ling, which on touching
the ground turned into a thousand
Lings. King Ravana could not recognize
the original ling, and so the boon
was lost. There were a thousand lings
at that place so the Gods of heaven
decided to build this temple and name
it Koteshwar.
also believe in Goddesses who
they call Mataji and so they
have built many temples of different
avtars of Mataji. Among them,
one is Shaktipith Mata's Math
in which Mata Ashapura's statue
She is the Kuldevi of Jadejas. Ma
Ravechi who protects Kutch, has her
temple in the desert of Vadhad, Kutch.
Kadva Patidars' Kuldevi is Umiya Mataji.
Her temple is in the village Desalpur
called Vandhay Tirth, a known religious
and cultural center.
Swami came to Kutch in the middle
Ages and started the sector of Swaminarayan,
which is a part of Hinduism. Kutch's
labourers, Leva Patel and farmers
are the believers of Swaminarayan
sector. Sahajanad Swami told people
to live pure lives. On Vasant Panchami,
the devotee pray from the book written
by Sahajanad Swami. They recite religious
songs and women take colorful vessels
on their heads and go to the temple.
There is a Swaminarayan Temple in
as the mogul emperors came to India
and ruled many parts of India, Muslim
religion also came into existence.
The Muslim religion call their God
"Khuda" or "Allah"
and worship in mosques. The Muslims
are ardent worshippers of their "Allah"
five times a day. The people who spent
their life in the service of their
Muslim religions and its founder,
are called the "Pirs".
such Pir was the Hajipir. Hajipir's
dargah is situated in very quiet
desert of Kutch. People hold
fairs here on holy days. Another
dedicated person was Mekandada
who served people in the time
famine. His stayed in Dhranga.
A temple has been built in his name
over his tomb , this shows the brotherhood
with which both Hindus and Muslims
lived together in those times. Even
today, inspite of the differences
in the religion many Hindus have belief
in Hajipir and many Muslims like Jamadar
Fatehmahommad believe in Ma Ashapura.
The above mentioned are the main religions
existing in Kutch, but that still
does not divide this community into
different sections or religions. The
whole community lives like one family
respecting every each others believes
and thoughts.
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